If Aesop Were a Modern-Day Scientist, This Would Be a Fable.

When you wake up, get up. When you get up, do something. —one of my favorite quotes, from Viola Babbitt Wake up. Sit with the cat for a bit. Because Cat Time. “Is necessary, hooman. Sit.” Wait for cat to … Continue reading

And They’re Fluffy: an Ode to Modern Air Travel

Other than the airports; the TSA ding-dongs, dipshits, and assorted knuckle-draggers, wannabe-thugs; the doltingly stupid “security”-theater rules invented by bitter assholes who’ve nothing better to do all day than find even more pointless, inane ways to make people miserable; the noisy, milling mass … Continue reading

When I am at my desk, preparing for tonight’s observing. And it is evening.

Notes to self, part 437. When I am at my desk, preparing for tonight’s observing. And it is evening. If an email arrives from the satellite tracking app, you could open it. Be aware that this alert is for tonight. … Continue reading


  Eight cores, working hard: orbits, orbits… more orbits. Suki is cold. Laptop is warm. Suki sits on keyboard. Machine vexation, reboot. Sadness.   … Continue reading

Fun with Python

Draw your own conclusions: The red points are data from a grammar.com analysis of nonnegative Facebook comments on the pages of these presidential candidates. The black curve is the most-optimal least-squares fit of a polynomial (fourth-order, in this case) that, among the … Continue reading

A Bookmans Lament

One hundred nine dollars of credit on the ledger, A hundred nine dollars of glee. I look around. The aisles, I walk down. Twenty-seven dollars of credit for me… … Continue reading

Why I Use Python (part 1)

PHP needs a semicolon at the end of every statement. So does C. So does C++. So does Java. Why? So far as I can tell, for no other reason than laziness on the part of language designers. (Note: stuffthathappens … Continue reading

The Printer and I: A Tale of Spinning Fans, Diseased Hearts, and the Tragedy that is Life

  This (see photo) is how I spent my afternoon and evening, today. I have a conference to attend next week and must present a poster paper on some recent research results. Because I know by now that both Old … Continue reading