Null Hypothesis

I write Into the void. Transient, ephemeral, aperiodic, Sharp.   Null hypothesis. By assumption Not significant. You are Alone. Free. Leap Into the ether, the abyss — Into the void.   … Continue reading

math test

Here’s how to get MathJax up and running for your blog: part I, part II. The three tests below are text lifted from elsewhere. Test 1 Consider first what we shall call the direct geometry case, in which we use only the zenith … Continue reading

How I Do MathJax II. Example

To render equations in a WordPress blog, you have several options. The most aesthetically pleasing is MathJax. An earlier post tells you how to install MathJax for your WordPress site. This second post shows a few pointers by way of an example (you’ll probably want … Continue reading

How I Do MathJax I. Installation

I use equations. To enable equations in a WordPress blog, there are several options. The most comprehensive—and aesthetically pleasing—is to use MathJax. This post tells you how to install MathJax for your WordPress site. A second post has a few pointers. Here … Continue reading

image lightbox test



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at nunc pulvinar augue volutpat gravida id vitae felis. Aliquam rutrum nisl nunc. Phasellus venenatis ultrices est, eget varius leo porta sit amet. Donec varius dignissim tortor, et tincidunt turpis posuere quis. Aenean commodo, sem sit amet ullamcorper volutpat, magna mauris bibendum magna, eget aliquam est libero non tortor. Ut non ante augue. In dignissim turpis nec lacus fermentum dictum. Morbi nisi orci, semper vel congue gravida, finibus at sem. Sed euismod tincidunt faucibus. Nulla sed mauris at nibh pharetra placerat. Vestibulum placerat sagittis rutrum. Sed libero mi, molestie eu massa et, aliquam suscipit lorem. Vivamus consequat dapibus nisl eu posuere. In vitae erat nec nisl hendrerit varius efficitur a enim. Pellentesque aliquet risus finibus tristique suscipit.